The Public School System
The Public School System
What Are They Teaching Our Children?
By Mark McDonald, M.D.
Mark McDonald, M.D., an experienced Los Angeles child psychologist, discusses how, in the past two years, he has reached the point of recommending to all parents that they remove their children from public schools.
Absolutely brilliant exposition by Dr. Mark McDonald of where society is headed [mainstream media YouTube Channel]
In this jarring 12-minute video, McDonald claims that public schools have been taken over by people with agendas that are inimical to the development of a healthy sexual identity.
His criticism extends to all levels of education, including the universities, which he believes have become captives to ideologies that are inimical to free inquiry, resorting to gaslighting, intimidation, and even dismissal on ideological grounds. He believes this is leaving deep and lasting scars on everyone.
Mark McDonald, M.D., is the author of a recent book called United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, which examines the psychological impact of public health education regarding COVID-19 on society. He sees fear being used to stampede people into accepting, even demanding, coercive measures to regiment society at the expense of free inquiry and human dignity. If you’re interested in buying the book, click here.
Through the inculcation of fear and the denigration of respect for family formation and healthy sexuality, McDonald believes that society and the human personality are becoming atomized so that, lacking strong family and interpersonal ties, we can be more easily manipulated and led by society.
If true, is this part of the explanation for the assault on free speech and liberty by our political elites? Not all will agree, but it’s something to think about.

Mark McDonald, M.D.
Dr. Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in the Los Angeles, California, area. Around April of 2020, McDonald actually made the brave decision to “fire” patients who refused to accept his stand on certain realities and truths. You can read more from McDonald on “How to Break Free of Fear Addiction” here, at Fear Unmasked.
The Public School System
What Are They Teaching Our Children?
By Mark McDonald, M.D.
Mark McDonald, M.D., an experienced Los Angeles child psychologist, discusses how, in the past two years, he has reached the point of recommending to all parents that they remove their children from public schools.
Absolutely brilliant exposition by Dr. Mark McDonald of where society is headed [mainstream media YouTube Channel]
In this jarring 12-minute video, McDonald claims that public schools have been taken over by people with agendas that are inimical to the development of a healthy sexual identity.
His criticism extends to all levels of education, including the universities, which he believes have become captives to ideologies that are inimical to free inquiry, resorting to gaslighting, intimidation, and even dismissal on ideological grounds. He believes this is leaving deep and lasting scars on everyone.
Mark McDonald, M.D., is the author of a recent book called United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, which examines the psychological impact of public health education regarding COVID-19 on society. He sees fear being used to stampede people into accepting, even demanding, coercive measures to regiment society at the expense of free inquiry and human dignity. If you’re interested in buying the book, click here.
Through the inculcation of fear and the denigration of respect for family formation and healthy sexuality, McDonald believes that society and the human personality are becoming atomized so that, lacking strong family and interpersonal ties, we can be more easily manipulated and led by society.
If true, is this part of the explanation for the assault on free speech and liberty by our political elites? Not all will agree, but it’s something to think about.

Mark McDonald, M.D.
Dr. Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in the Los Angeles, California, area. Around April of 2020, McDonald actually made the brave decision to “fire” patients who refused to accept his stand on certain realities and truths. You can read more from McDonald on “How to Break Free of Fear Addiction” here, at Fear Unmasked.
The Public School System
What Are They Teaching Our Children?
By Mark McDonald, M.D.
Mark McDonald, M.D., an experienced Los Angeles child psychologist, discusses how, in the past two years, he has reached the point of recommending to all parents that they remove their children from public schools.
Absolutely brilliant exposition by Dr. Mark McDonald of where society is headed [mainstream media YouTube Channel]
In this jarring 12-minute video, McDonald claims that public schools have been taken over by people with agendas that are inimical to the development of a healthy sexual identity.
His criticism extends to all levels of education, including the universities, which he believes have become captives to ideologies that are inimical to free inquiry, resorting to gaslighting, intimidation, and even dismissal on ideological grounds. He believes this is leaving deep and lasting scars on everyone.
Mark McDonald, M.D., is the author of a recent book called United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, which examines the psychological impact of public health education regarding COVID-19 on society. He sees fear being used to stampede people into accepting, even demanding, coercive measures to regiment society at the expense of free inquiry and human dignity. If you’re interested in buying the book, click here.
Through the inculcation of fear and the denigration of respect for family formation and healthy sexuality, McDonald believes that society and the human personality are becoming atomized so that, lacking strong family and interpersonal ties, we can be more easily manipulated and led by society.
If true, is this part of the explanation for the assault on free speech and liberty by our political elites? Not all will agree, but it’s something to think about.

Mark McDonald, M.D.
Dr. Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in the Los Angeles, California, area. Around April of 2020, McDonald actually made the brave decision to “fire” patients who refused to accept his stand on certain realities and truths. You can read more from McDonald on “How to Break Free of Fear Addiction” here, at Fear Unmasked.