
A half dozen practicing attorneys (The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, or herein, The Lawyers Committee) with several decades of combined courtroom experience defending whistleblowers, asked two federal district courts (of the Justice Department), one in New York and one in Washington, DC, to forward their petition to a grand jury for review.

The petition contains 60 exhibits of evidence. The scientific method, transparent data, testimony from 118 first responder expert eyewitnesses, many hundreds of thousands of man-hours and millions of dollars raised over a 15-16 year period and much more; the weight of evidence is so convincing that anyone seeing it with a shred of objectivity, or a streak of intellectual honesty would conclude vociferously, that the story we were fed was THE BIGGEST LIE of our lives (perhaps until Covid appeared 20 years later)

Both courts in effect said no, we don’t have to abide by the 1st, 5th, 6th or 7th Amendments that refer to a Grand Jury. Moreover, the Plaintiffs’ lack proper “Standing.” That term means you have something to lose, that you have enough ‘skin in the game.’

REALLY. So 9/11 families and fire chiefs didn’t lose enough. What an OUTRAGEOUS insult!!

The Lawyers Committee was asking for a Grand Jury to review the petition, nothing more. The courts, including appeals, have not allowed the evidence to be seen in any courtroom or by any jury.

So we ask, will you join us, work with us and hang 12 summaries out of those full length 60? It’s perfectly legal. And we believe they could be lethal to the criminals who planned and executed 9/11 — but ONLY IF enough of us hang 9/11 evidence “in the square” under the canopies of Truth Booths spread across America!

If you believe an educated public is more likely to be inoculated against propaganda falling for elite-sponsored government propaganda, then Project Truth Booths called on us to expand awareness with relevant knowledge. Now it’s your turn to consider moving outside your comfort zone to amplify our voices and take back our republic! Have a look-see at a vision of helping hands and hearts who manifested the Installation Start-up Guide for especially new booth operators. We think you will like it.

Choosing to operate a Truth Booth puts us on a path many others cannot understand. you have access to a network of Americans who are also certain that the the government is pathologically lying to us to cover up mass murder, censorship, war mongering, fiscal malfeasance, assassinations here and around the world, 75 illegal regime change attempts since WW2 inducing blow-back on us and our Bill of Rights.

To find out fellow can attract more people wanting action, here is our Truth Booth Installation & Start-up Guide. a 20+ page pdf (lots of pics, not a long read).

If you prefer skipping the guide for now and would rather discuss first, then text and/or call Matt at 815-403-1847.


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