Hang 9/11 Evidence

If you believe an educated public is more likely to be inoculated from believing elite-sponsored government propaganda, then this program called Truth Booths, called on us to expand awareness with relevant knowledge. Now it’s your turn to consider moving outside your comfort zone to help build a movement to reclaim our republic — because she IS slipping away! Have a look-see at a vision of helping hands and hearts who manifested the Installation Start-up Guide for especially new booth operators. We think you will like it.

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When you choose to operate a Truth Booth, not only do you take a path many others cannot understand, you decide to tap into a network of Americans who are also certain that the the government is pathologically lying to us to cover up mass murder, censorship, war mongering, fiscal malfeasance, assassinations here and around the world, 75 illegal regime change attempts since WW2 inducing blow-back on us and our Bill of Rights.

We decided to shop for you because Truth Action Project (TAP)

  • buys in bulk volume, then splits the difference
  • have ample experience with booths and boothing
  • self-taught by experience streamlining preparation
  • negotiate as if we were in your shoes (we booth too)
  • have become painfully better informed about government.

Find out how you and your fellow activists can attract more people wanting action. Here is our truth booth kit setup 20+ page pdf manual (lots of pics, not a long read).

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